Thursday, September 21, 2006

I'm in no doubt about whether I'm one of the New Poor. I'm a fully signed-up member because I am signing on. Yes, I'm on the dole. (Such a forlorn word.)
How did it come to this?
Apart from the halcyon summers of my student youth, circa 1970, I have never needed to step into a social security office. I have always been self-supporting until...the dawn of unemployment. Prior to that, for 10 years, I ran my own PR business. It wasn't a fantastic earner, but I made enough to get by and with time left over to pursue my other interests.
At the heart of my business was one client; everything else was a bit on the side. To rely on one client is stupid, but all I can says is that it suited me. Until...the client hired a new director of communications who, keen to demonstrate the qualities of a big broom, swept me away. It wasn't personal: it was a re-focus of corporate goals.

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