Saturday, March 10, 2007

No comment

I asked my friend, Jo Money, to check out my blog. She thought that it would be a nice idea to comment on the blog site. Several other friends have had the same generous impulse. However, with one or two exceptions they have failed. Here's a 17-step explanation why passing comment is harder than passing a brick, thanks to my friend Jo M.

1. went on to your blog page and read latest blogs and this time I saw all the photos which I very much enjoy.
2. clicked on 'make a comment'
3. waited, waited, waited, waited...................not much going on and losing patience
4. left site and tried again
5. this time went into archives to check out all the photos I had previously missed or rather just not seen.
6. read King Nicholas story and liked it saw it had two comments so I clicked on 'make a comment.'
7. Hurray I got a comments page come up and clicked on 'open a google account'
8. waited, waited, waited, waited.................not much going on and loosing patience
9.shut down site and went into google accounts without all the milarky attached on the end
10. Hurray I got a page inviting me to open an account so I filled it out
11. Did as I was told and went into my e-mail as they told me they'd sent one which they had.
12. On my e-mail it said click on the link below to activate your account so I did
13. Hurray i've got a google account. With intense excitement i went back to your blog page and clicked on make a comment with my comments all poised on my finger tips filled in the box and clicked on send.
14. 'password invalid' humph
15. went back to e-mail and clicked on help link
16. 'page not avalable'
17. went into a serious huff and felt no closer to 21st century technology than when I started

1 comment:

Poor Cliff said...

The world get's harder still - where you can't add a comment on a blog (who would have even thought we'd be trying to do this 30 years ago?) We now can't buy a train ticket because the train company who releases the cheap tickets won't tell you when they are doing it. You just have to call up on the off chance that 'today's the day'. And when the same company that runs the trains also runs a cable franchise which has fallen out with another franchise so I can't see my favourite program any more! Mentioning no names but Virgin and Sky spring to mind. Also when did programme become program? Grumpy old person here.